Professional Dancer
Online Fitness App
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“I think this is the leanest I’ve ever been, even though I gained 5 lbs!…Thank you! I am starting the next week, just finished work out 1!”
“I literally feel so many results happening, the work outs are kick ass and I feel exhausted after BUT SO GOOD!! I have been sleeping consistently with my mouth tapped. And I find when I’m running or cardioing and working out I’m breathing strictly only out of my nose. I feel a big difference! Thank you for these work outs I’m feeling incredible and inspired 🫶🏼…I feel like my body is adjusting and making progress I love the work outs and feel amazing after.”
“I like checking off exercising and being able to look at progress pics as I go for motivation.”
A.M. lost 4% body fat, 5 lbs of fat & gained 10 lbs of muscle
Amazing work!
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