Train Smarter. Trust the Science. Get Immediate Results.

At 3 in 1 Elite, we want you full of energy, feeling good about your body, having endurance, and performing at your highest level possible. How about no more pain, sick days, brain fog, and simply crushed your goals? In order to do so, TRUST THE SCIENCE and understand that every single thing we do is brain-derived which is why we take the 3 Systems | 1 Athlete approach. The input our brain receives from these 3 systems makes up every 1 ELITE athlete.

Our brain acts as a giant regulator and it’s primary goal is to survive, not to perform at the most elite levels. It can significantly affect our performance if it doesn’t feel safe or senses a threat at the hands of our environment, emotions and physical predispositions. Stress and threat must be managed and modulated appropriately to obtain the most optimal performance and fluid mechanics.

In order to modulate the threat/stress, the brain needs to integrate quality input to create quality output. When a brain receives the appropriate input and is comfortable in predicting that the environment is safe, it will integrate from all inputs to provide the appropriate output. 3 in 1 provides many options to vastly improve our output, or your performance of how well we run, jump, create power and explosiveness, experience pain, mental attention and focus span, etc.

These 3 systems can be heavily flawed and need a thorough assessment used to explore and confirm the input and integration areas that need specific focus. Your lifestyle, setbacks, past head injuries/concussions, movement injuries, pain, digestive issues, motion sickness, accidents, and surgeries all play a crucial role in developing those inputs and specific needs. From the information gathered, an individually tailored program is created with a complete understanding of what areas need to be emphasized to produce enhanced athletic performance with less physical demand. You will begin to see rapid, IMMEDIATE results. This will unlock your full potential as we experience rapid improvements in every area of life occur – from pain relief to injury prevention, improved athletic performance, strength, and all components of health.

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